I read "The Elves and the Shoemaker"in this time. The story was written by Grimm brothers. At first, I liked the book's face cover, there were two pretty elves, so I chose this book.
This story was about shoemaker and elves. An old shoemaker, each day he laid his leather, drew different shoe shapes, cut them out, and sewed them together. Then he stretched the shoe shapes over wooden foot, cut out more leather and sewed it on. Finally, he cut out thick soles, made holes in them with a huge needles and sewed the soles onto the shoes. He did his all work by himself.
The shoe he made was very popular, people loved to watching the shoemaker's work.
But one day, a cart was written "CHEAP SHOES" came the town. The seller sold his shoes at cheaper price than shoemaker's price. But the cheaper shoes were badly sewn, with poor leather. But people were delighted and bought the seller's shoes. Because of the seller, the shoemaker was miserable. He was running out of money, and he couldn't afford to make shoes. He possibly prepare to make one pair of shoes. The day, he was tired and went to bed early with laying them on his work table.
Nert morning, He was surprised and Unbelievable thing happened to him. There was a perfect pair of shoes on his work table. He thought it must be magic. Next day, and next day same thing happened. The shoes someone made were gorgeous and perfect. Those shoes sold like hot cakes. So, shoemaker gradually had plenty on money. While the seller who have sold shoes cheaper was not happy and costumers accused him of badly shoes.
One night, shoemaker wanted to know who made his shoes. He stayed awake and hid behind some coat in the workshop. Once in a while, two little elves rushed in, and quickly began to sew. And he listened that cheaper shoe's seller use other elves to make cheap shoes, and they wished the other elves had escaped. They had an idea, if we can put that wicked shoe seller out if business, the other elves will be free. After they made shoes, they disappeared somewhere. Then, their idea came true. The seller came out the town, and the other elves were released from him.
After that, the elves didn't appear in the workshop and they never sewed another shoe.
I liked the story. I thought the shoemaker was very lucky.It was good that the other elves were caught were released. Elves were very cute, and I want to make friends with them. (430 words)
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