I read "The Burglar's breakfast". The main character is Alfie Briggs. He is a burglar, and he had stolen many things from until now. He often stole things at the night, so breakfast is his main meal of the day. There were five things he liked best. And he had never ran out of these things. It was cornflakes, eggs, sardines, waffles, and fruits.
One day, he came to be hungry and would eat breakfast. So, he would take cornflakes from shelf. But there wasn't a box of cornflakes. In stead of, there was trail of cornflakes, and it was leading out of the door. He noticed the cornflakes was stolen by someone. He started to chase the thief. The thief was a goat! He gave up cornflakes and went to home.
Other things he liked best were stolen like cornflakes. He was shocked about that, and he gave up, went to a cafe to eat breakfast. He thought he want a job, he didn't want to return burglar. He took newspaper on the table, and he found a page. It was a page recruitment of detective. He could think of some reason for he go well to be a detective. When he was stolen food he liked best, he could find the clue and trace the thief. After that, he became a detective who can catch thieves.
The story was end here. It was interesting story. He was a burglar, so he was a person who stole things from other people. But he was stolen foods he liked best. It was so funny. I thought he is fool but cute. And in spite of he was a burglar, he became a detective catch burglar. It was also funny thing. (290 words)
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