
Hansel & Gretel

I read this book this time, I think everyone know this title. You know, this story includes the Grimm Brother's fairy tales. To tell the truth, I have known this story, but I want to read again.
This story appeared a boy and a girl, Hansel and Gretel. They were left deep forest by spiteful their stepmother. They could go back thier home once, but second time, they couldn't come back. They wandered around this deep forest unwilling, fortunately, they found house that was made by sweets. An ugly witch was in the house. The witch has thought she wanted to eat the childen. Hensel and Gretel were so clever children, they beat foolish witch. They went back home with taking some jewels from witch's house. Their stepmother left house, they lived happily ever after with their father.
I don't like spiteful stepmother. I think Hensel and Gretel were so courageous and wise children.
I want to encounter house was made by sweets too. Or, I want to try to make house by sweets. It seems to be interesting. I like this fairy tale.(181words)

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